Certificate for the most financially stable companies
It is a great honor for our company that we can be among the best based on Dun & Bradstreet's objective company rating.
Dun & Bradstreet, the international business information provider and rating agency, rates the financial stability and business reliability of all operating businesses based on a methodology that is continuously measured and proven by international experts. This is how our company Signdepot Europe Ltd. was selected as one of the most financially stable companies.
It is a great honor for our company that we can be among the best based on Dun & Bradstreet's objective company rating. We pay great attention to acting fairly on the market, so it is important to us that an external expert confirmed that the probability of insolvency of our company is extremely low. We believe that by the Dun & Bradstreet Certificate, we can further increase the trust towards our customers, suppliers and employees, which is increasingly important in long-term, solid business relationships. The fact that an independent, international expert recognized the stability of our company sends us the message that we are on the right track in building and developing our company.
Since this qualification strictly based on professional criteria (you can't to apply for it), it really maskes our company stand out on the market.
Signdepot Europe Kft. received Dun & Bradstreet's AAA (triple A) Certificate, which indicates that the financial risk of establishing a business relationship with us is extremely low.
The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is based on Dun & Bradstreet's certification, which has been rating the reliability of companies on an international level for many decades. The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate, which is issued with the marks AAA, AA and A, indicates the stability of the companies and that the company with this mark is financially stable. The AAA company rating was introduced in 1989, and since 1996, companies have had the opportunity to show their business reliability in the form of a certificate. The certificate provides an opportunity for eligible companies to show others that their company is a recognized, reliable and creditworthy company. The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is used in many European countries in various areas of business life.
The Dun & Bradstreet rating is based on data from several official sources, such as - in the case of Hungary - data from the Ministry of Justice, registrations at the Companies Court, the National Tax and Customs Office, and data from other authorities. In addition to data from official sources, the rating incorporates financial information about the company, such as balance sheet data, profit and loss statements, and trends. The rating takes into account the company's or organization's demographic data, i.e. the company's age, activity, size, owners, and their connections. From the data of the Payment Experience program, it is included in the rating whether the given company settles its invoices on time or late, i.e. with what payment discipline. In addition to the above, the system also adds a number of other collected information to the Dun & Bradstreet rating, such as execution data or press reports.
Since the Dun & Bradstreet rating not only shows the current financial stability of our company, but also, thanks to the establishment of the Dun & Bradstreet rating, the probability that our company will become insolvent in the coming year, we can proudly say that Signdepot Europe Kft. will continue to be a stable player in the future to the market.